Monday, February 21, 2011

...from my Valentine

Yes..........I might be the most spoiled wife in the world. Every year Roger wonders what he should give me for Valentine's Day. It has not been a traditionally important day in my life, but I think he has always worried over it some. Well, now that I am getting "older and wiser" I tell him what I'd like. Last year he took me to see "Swan Lake" performed by Ballet West. Well..........this year, when I learned they were performing Tchaikovsky's "Sleeping Beauty" I made bold to request another trip to the ballet. We went two weeks ago and it was totally wonderful! Roger even dubbed it "delightful". There were a couple of dances that held me spellbound.......they were magical! And the costumes!!!! Not to mention the set with the scrims etc., etc. WOW!!! It makes me smile and thrill again, just to tell you about it. What a treat!!! and the best Valentine gift ever!!


  1. I think husbands do stress more over Valentines than we do. Sleeping Beauty is one of my favorite fairy tales. So glad you got to go.
