Sunday, July 11, 2010

July 4th--for real

I said I had spent the week finishing a blessing dress for Beni..........and it took a good part of my time. I was hoping to have it finished so Candi could take it with her the night of the 3rd--but I didn't............however..........I had it done--slip and all!!!! before midnight!!!!! This is the first time I haven't been up most of the night before such a day. Definitely a step in the right direction!! I was really pleased with the dress............

Isn't she beautiful??

And here is the whole sweet, wonderful family. Needless to say, I'm proud of them!!

It's been a whirlwind few weeks. Full of all the kinds of things that are most important. Sometimes exhausting, but worth the effort. I have to be one of the most blessed women in all the world!! I hope I am grateful enough............


  1. It's exquisite, Carol. You are your great grandmother Mellie's granddaughter, now aren't you! You do her proud!

  2. The dress is incredible! Pretty cute little sister in it too:)

  3. Beautiful dress, Aunt Carol! Such a wonderful heirloom!

  4. The most beautiful blessing dress I've ever seen. It was absolutely perfect.
    We love you.
