Thursday, July 29, 2010

mourning for my flowers

Ah me............I have just spent the entire morning in our front yard. The glories of the spring and early summer are gone and I'm left with ripened daffodils, bleeding hearts that are definite eye-sores at this point and peonies that are also showing the effects of heat and leaf-cutter bees. In short.........the beauty of my front yard is gone, gone, gone............. I've been digging out weeds that should have been pulled weeks ago and trying to save the climbing roses from the aphids. We'll just have to wait and see how successful I have been. Thank goodness the vegetable garden is doing well. We even have a couple of almost red tomatoes! Now that's something to shout about!! But I definitely need some late summer and fall flowers for my front yard. I've thought I would move a couple of mums from the back to the front. I think I could plant them very close to some tulips or daffodils. Do you think the bulbs would be all done by the time the mum was large enough to compete for air space? At any rate, I'm going to go shower and worry about all that tomorrow.............and no..........I'm not going to share any pictures. This is something I will leave to your's bad...........


  1. The deer ate off my vegetable garden. Should of had some of your garlic!

  2. I will wait patiently for you to get things fixed up and then maybe we'll see some pictures this fall?
