Saturday, January 29, 2011

not your marshmallow world--chapter 2

You might think this is all I did today.........not quite.......we got just a bit of sunshine and blue sky in the afternoon.......but thennnnn.........I have to tell you that while it has not been fairyland, it did kind of turn into "haunted" land when I went out to find the dog this evening and I heard a hoot owl!! Really! I had to go find it.......I could tell it was close--I found it in the neighbor's trees just down the alley right  next to our house..........turned out I walked right under it! (The dog was with me then and I think he was quiet and watching the dog.) When it finally hooted again I turned around and found it. While I was watching it and taking pictures and playing with the settings on my camera (I'm taking a photography class and learning all kinds of neat things) the fog began rolling in again and with the "who, who, who" it felt more than a little eerie.......but ohhhhhhhh, I love to be out like that--'course, I have to know I'm safe. I don't like it if I really feel threatened.

 This gives a whole new meaning to the definition of "razor wire"........

I was wishing he would fly, but he seemed quite content to just sit there and look around. I was torn between wanting to see him fly and having him stay so I could listen to him. It finally got too dark to take pictures really is a glorious and beautiful world..........


  1. What fun pictures! I have spent alot of time this weekend playing with pictures from the wedding. Maybe tomorrow I'll have time to blog some:)

  2. Looks like something out of Chronicles of Narnia ...

  3. Wow! I love those pictures. I'm so glad you took some. I always think someone should because it's so beautiful. I love the owl pictures too.

  4. Wish I could have been there Mom. I miss the fog! Got it all the time in Puyallup....not so much/never really in Beaver...
    I love the pictures of the owl too!

  5. We had a Great Northern Owl pair our first winter at Zarahemla. They hatched 2 owlets. They were so fun to watch and to listen to each night. Great pictures. Also how fun to be taking a photography class.
