Saturday, March 15, 2014

there's no place like home...

"The moon was a ghostly galleon..."

.....that's the thought that came to mind as I left the grocery store tonight....

Not gorgeous pictures, these, but I'm home............a short visit with a friend at said store, a hug and "checking up" with the sweet lady we bought our carpet from (15 years ago) as I was leaving said store, the view to the east and west, a train growling and whistling through town, the sight as I pulled into the garage.......the wind was not a "torrent of darkness"..........but a nice, gentle breeze........

........yeah.................I'm home


  1. I'm so glad you blogged!!!! Home town feelings are the best but I loved the CA pictures too!!! I'm glad you embracing your emptynestness...I'm right behind you:)

  2. I have enjoyed your posts as well. I really like your pictures. You have such a good eye and I enjoyed reading your thoughts too.
