Thursday, April 29, 2010


Don't you just love spring?! Little green things start popping out of the ground--in some cases they are really doesn't matter the color. The renewal of life somehow gives us energy to do more and hope for the future. The sunshine fills us with warmth and again........the hope......... There is a promise of beautiful things yet to come. I have been worrying over my lilac bush. You know, the lilac "season" is just way too short! I would like it to be longer, or somehow have the bushes bloom three or four times a year. Wouldn't that be great??? So when the weather forecast showed temperatures in the 20s last week, I began to worry. All my big boys, (none of whom were around) told me I could throw a tarp over it! Right! I just hoped..........and probably said a few prayers in my heart. I couldn't quite bring myself to formally ask for a little bubble over my lilac bush. Thankfully, the temperature never got as low as all the forecasters said it would get.........and it appears to have happened again last night!

Here is my lilac bush can't see the cold wind......gale force.......

here it is this morning........along with some other shots around our yard........

Thankfully........the bleeding hearts are tougher than they look! Ahhhhhh, spring..........with her capricious nature and all her have to love her!!! Have a great day!!!


  1. I am REALLY impressed by your good attitude. I'm pretty sure I was cursing the snow around here last night....and this morning....;-)

  2. Your lilacs are already showing purple! Ours aren't, but they need a really good trimming this spring and I'm a bit nervous to do it. I love spring also! It truly is amazing.

  3. O my GOSH!!!!!! My bleeding hear it just starting up. I covered it today to keep the deer from eating it and my lilac bushes don't even have leaves. Thanks for reminding that spring is just around the corner! Love the pictures

  4. Yep, a few typing errors in the last comment. I think you'll get the message though:)

  5. Okay, so here in Morgan we don't have any bleeding hearts and the lilac bush's leaves have just started to come forth but I have been enjoying the dandilions that are blooming on the south side of the barn, just wish they would not show up in the lawn in a few more weeks. I like your fence.
