Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!!!

(I had hoped to make this post several days ago.......things have been a little busy around here, so thought I got most of it written and ready, has taken me till now. And though it's "too late" to be up, I'm going to post it now!!! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, surrounded by loved ones. We have had a wonderful time together, and maybe I will be able to share some of that with you as well...........)
Over Thursday and Friday, the 22-23, Roger and I went to Salt Lake City with our high school choir--Daniel is a member. Roger drove the bus. There are all kinds of reasons why you want to be the wife of the bus driver..........aside from the obvious that he's a great guy! you get a free ride, a free room, and no additional responsibilities; i.e. they can not make you a chaperone. However, as you know, you can't deal with teenagers without some drama..........this was no exception. But we had a great time! They sang at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building and then a real concert in the Assembly Hall. They started off the day, Friday, with fun...........standing in the rotunda of the State Capitol Building and listening to their voices roll around and come back to them time and time was beautiful! And one of my favorite stops on this "tour". (We've "done" this trip several times and it's always a treat.) I love the beauty of the capitol was a "misty" beautiful!!!! Some of the pictures are good..........others not so good, but meaningful..........

The time on temple square and the plaza was truly the highlight of the soon as I get out of the bus on West Temple and hear "O Come All Ye Faithful" as the nativity presentation ends the spirit fills me and I feel that I have come "home". And I wonder why I can't feel that all the time??? The choir sang in the Joseph Smith Memorial building then 1 1/2 hours later in the Assembly Hall. We were able to wander around the square and over to Deseret Book........what a beautiful store!!!!! As twilight came and then the lights began to come on--lighting the temple, the tabernacle, etc.........but we had to be in the Assembly Hall before the lights on the trees came was all lovely. I have no words to express my feelings...........awe, wonder, magical, peace, grandeur, love, majesty, "home", glorious..........I'm sure you feel it here are the pictures..........

I was leaning against the Tabernacle watching the nativity story for the second or third time, with this view...........and I couldn't help but wonder what He might be thinking about all this "looks" down over the lawn where His birth is staged..........and I wondered..........and gloried in the words "Oh Come!!! All ye faithful!! Joyful and triumphant.........."


  1. Well, I'm finally back in the real world with a computer and internet. You have some beautiful pictures. I am loving having a winter with lots of snow:)
