Sunday, December 12, 2010

...the thrill of it all

I wanted to make this post days ago, but I've been I'm determined to do it today. Last Monday we started shipping our bees to Needles. Forrest came the night before and spent the night in his truck. Roger was excited to get them loaded and on the road. I didn't need much of an excuse to "go see". I don't know what it is about seeing our bees on a truck...even when it was our "big" truck--which, by the way, looks really small when you park it next to a semi!...There is something about knowing they are ours; their worth--and we are trusting them to someone else!!! Forrest is a good man. And there is always a satisfaction, a relief of sorts, to get them out of Utah before it gets too cold. Those two weeks of real cold weather we had were pretty hard on them. So.........maybe you will feel a little of the thrill I feel just seeing them all loaded on a truck. And you might even "see" more bees on the road now that you know what to look for. I'm sure you've seen them...........just maybe didn't know what they were.............You can see it was a beautiful day!!

 I wanted to get there while they were loading, but Roger is so quick that the bees were all on the truck and screened! They were beginning to tie them down before I got there.
Michael is securing the screen while Forrest watches. He wasn't too excited to be in the picture, but I told him he is and important part of all this!
They have cross-tied the back and then they will put lots of more straps on them.
Not a very good picture, but you can see the dead bees on the ground. It was so cold for a couple of weeks that quite a few of the bees died..........and the others pulled them out of the hive.........they keep a clean house!
This is "Notch Peak"....50 miles west......I really want to climb it one of these summers. I especially love it with its dusting of snow!


  1. Good times. Glad you got the bees off!

  2. I love reading about your life as bee keepers. Very interesting. Most of us have no idea about your world.
