Tuesday, December 21, 2010

...solstice snow...

 Yes...I think about such things as "solstice" and "equinox" and "total eclipse"---which we missed last night because of the storm :( And I know that this won't seem like much to many of you in the north or at higher elevations. BUT!!!! This is major for us!!! worthy of pictures on the blog!! And it's beautiful!! AND current..........I took the pictures 1/2 an hour ago!!! Are you impressed?? It will probably never happen again..........

Our birch tree--really "weeping"

 the front porch railing

 I know this is common in Buffalo, NY.....but here????

 Remember those lilac bushes????

And thank goodness for loving neighbors and young, strong, healthy backs!!!


  1. Oh yeh, you got snow. How fun. Randolph got a bunch Saturday night. Geraldine had 4 feet in the last week or so. Great pictures, Merry Christmas.

  2. Have to love the snow for it's beauty! Time to stock up on hot chocolate and apple cider/wassail!! Yum! Merry Christmas, Stephenson family! I miss you all!
