Friday, March 11, 2011


Spring danced through town today. She was was plenty warm to go for a walk with Suzanne without having to bundle her up excessively. Wonderful!! Our garlic is poking up green shoots. There were people playing tennis on the courts at the school. A few members of the high school track team were standing around visiting. The parents of the junior class were preparing for the Junior Prom tomorrow night. We heard a meadow lark--the first one this year--and the train making its way through town. Some of the fields are showing a little green--I think it's the grain sprouting. And lots of the trees have swollen buds. I need to go check my daffodils..........a warm, beautiful day..........


  1. To funny! You need to read my post for today. I'm in the total opposite season:)

  2. I'm ready for spring. My daffodils are starting to come up. YEA I think we all 3 agree we like the blue sky and sun shine though.
