Thursday, June 2, 2011


It's hard to think what happened to May! It's gone!!!! I had to go back through my pictures to discover what had happened to it. Here's what I found: (sorry the pictures are not better--sometimes this is as good as it gets)

Our sweet Michelle graduated from Snow College. Actually, this was the last day of April, but it got lost in all the shuffle with all of May.....

And "sweet" Lisa graduated from Utah State!!!! Bachelor of Science in English Lit. She loved it. She did very well............we are so proud of her.

We were blessed to have much of the family in Logan for the celebration. Pay Day for parents and grandparents...........double if you are blessed enough to be both parent and grandparent!!!

State water polo............Thursday night--loss--it was a heart-breaker; home at 11:00, up for school next morning. Saturday morning, 5:00 a.m., leave to get team there on time.........another loss..........The second game on Saturday was early afternoon. We finally won one!!!!! I was so thankful they could end on a win............

Richard picked John up at the airport that morning--Saturday. He was coming home from North Carolina where he had been for a three week selection process to see if he could train for "special forces"..........he passed! I'm thrown into a rather typical "mother's quandary" --glad he accomplished what he wanted to, but apprehensive about what the future might hold for him............

And a quiet little surprise in my garden.............aren't they beautiful???? I absolutely love the doves. They are our pretty much constant companions while we are working in the yard..........

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