Sunday, October 4, 2015

wonderful conference!

We have spent a wonderful two days worshiping with the saints in Ensley.......a very small branch in a very old part of Birmingham--the west side. We went for both sessions of conference both days and stayed through the break between sessions to eat with the Elders and those in attendance. Yesterday.......mostly missionaries. Today we had more of the members. It was wonderful!!!! Picture, if you will, a very small building with a "stand" in one end of the carpeted cultural hall with folding chairs instead of benches........padded folding chairs, thankfully. They pulled in two TVs (I don't know if that was because they couldn't get the first one to work......neither worked for the first session on Saturday, so we listened) one for each "side" of the room. Very casual.........and all good friends..........more a family feeling than anything else. We even had a visitor off the street for a while both days......... quietly slipped in and sat and listened for a while and slipped out. Today he heard the end of the first session--"The Spirit of God"--and we invited him to eat with us. After a plate of baked potato and chicken, he quietly slipped away again. A tender, expanding experience.

A day of a few tears, swellings within me, yearnings, and desires to do better............. I hope you had a similar day........though without the homesickness...........


  1. Yes, it was a wonderful conference. I am not surprised you felt some homesickness. A year from now you will mostly likely feel homesickness for your mission General Conference experiences. Loved hearing about your visitor.

  2. Yep...that was me without the homesickness :) It was a great conference...grateful we can watch and read it all again as we need to!

  3. We missed you here Mom! Loved video chatting though. We're grateful for modern technology. Thanks for the example you are setting for all of us!
