Monday, September 16, 2019

Day 1--Hurrah for Israel!

Well, it has begun! In a way, it is so hard to believe we are really here and really doing this. It has been so long in coming it almost felt that it would never come. Our Stake President gave us wonderful blessings yesterday when he set us apart. I'm so thankful for the power of and in the priesthood! However, I'm still a little "heart sore" and a little teary. I vividly recall the feeling I had one day, standing in the temple, greeting people, when this thought blazed through my mind: "I love my life! What in the world am I doing?! Ripping it out by the roots!" And I had the clear image of a beautiful flower, rich dirt still clinging to the roots, ruthlessly jerked from the ground! But I know this is what the Lord would have us do at this time. Having that name tag clipped to my shoulder was such a good feeling......... I so want to be an asset to the kingdom!

We have met so many wonderful people. It has been rather many faithful members of the church, gladly going out to serve the Lord. There are 80-86 senior missionaries who came today. Four are single sisters. Some from this small group will be going to 14 states in the US; some will be going to 14 different countries; and to five of the six inhabited continents in the world!! One of the counselors in the MTC presidency had that information, and then told us he could not think of a gathering of people like that anywhere else in all the world. I would have to agree. But then, where else would you have a group of people with the same knowledge and purpose?


  1. Yay! So glad I'll be able to follow along! You're both amazing and wonderful. So glad we're family.

  2. Thanks for letting me know your blog is up and running...I had actually just had the thought today that you were now at the MTC. It was so good to see you at the reunion. You two are going to do great! Hurrah for Israel. We went to see The Other Side of Heaven 2 tonight. I hope your mission isn't quite so intense as the movie. Incase you haven't seen it urrah for Israel is their family cheer.
