Wednesday, June 30, 2010

...eclipse....lunar type!

I'm sure you all know there was a partial lunar eclipse last week.....the morning of June 26. Well, we talked about getting up--and we were having our family reunion--well, there were a couple of the kids who wanted me to call them. One on the cell phone! I set my alarm for 4:15 a.m. have to understand that I am NOT a morning person. (I love mornings after I am up. It's the getting up that slows me down.) Anyway, because other members of the family were counting on me I got out of bed and went outside to "check on things". There was just the slightest shadow beginning in the upper left of a gorgeous full moon. I made my phone call--she said she didn't know if she would get up, she was so tired. The other one!!! He thought he had just got to sleep and I was asking him if he wanted me to wake him later!!! Needless to say............he missed it. I quietly got presentable to go outside and slipped out into an utterly enchanting world. It was beautiful and magical. The best place for viewing was on my neighbor's front porch--I knew she wouldn't mind. I wasn't there long before Lisa appeared and I softly called to her. It really was more fun to have someone to ooooh and ahhhh with. It wasn't long before Roger also appeared and we called to him. We didn't watch the whole time. It was beginning to clear before the moon went behind the trees and we returned to our beds. It warms me still to think about it..........another testimony of the Creator!! I love this amazing sphere we live on!!!! and the universe surrounding it!!

Sadly.......these are not my pictures. I'm learning how to find things on the internet!! Aren't they beautiful pictures?? 'Course, it's hard to go wrong with this subject.........


  1. I love your blog, Aunt Carol. It makes me really happy. And I love you.

  2. I felt so bad that I forgot about the eclipse:( So thanks for sharing your thoughts. It sounds like we do mornings the same. Can't wait to try the egg trick??
