Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Equinox---no!! Solstice...

The summer solstice was just a week's amazing to think of all that has happened in those short seven days! It's been C.R.A.Z.Y. busy and full. I'll get to all that eventually, but for now I will just show you one of our zany traditions..........

Some years ago we heard--I think it was in church, of all places--that you could stand an egg on end at the time of the solstice. Well, we had to try it. It just so happened that we were in a hotel near San Diego that first time and while we were having breakfast we asked one of the kitchen help if we might borrow a raw egg. He looked at us strangely but humored us. He was quite surprised when he saw it "standing" on the table! and as I remember, he brought us a few more. We learned later that the "kitchen staff" had to try it for themselves!!! Sometimes we forget on the 21st-22nd and it has worked up to about two weeks could give it a try. But no fair sprinkling the counter with salt or some other such thing. And no fair setting the egg down a little "hard". It really is possible..........big end, of course. Have fun!!!!


  1. That is so cool! I'm going to try it right now.

  2. Shucks, I couldn't get it to work. Maybe my eggs don't have big enough ends. Oh well, maybe next time. I think I'll see if I can go to sleep now.

  3. Will it still work today? And tomorrow? What's the secret? How do you get them to stand?! So neat!
