Thursday, June 3, 2010

flowers, friends, and feelings......

I wandered around my yard this evening and took pictures of a few of the glories..........I love flowers! And since iris are some of the easiest flowers to grow--besides being spectacular in mass plantings.......I have several whatever they are called..clumps? maybe.......of iris. This yellow one is a newer one, and it puts on a show every year. It's like a patch of sunshine in my backyard and never fails to cheer me.

This is also a newer one.........purchased in a "collection" or I probably would not have chosen it. But don't you think it is lovely? It's amazing to me how many times in my life I have been pleasantly surprised by something that would not have been my first choice. A record of Rachmaninoff's Symphony No. 2 in E Minor has got to take top honors in that category! It's been a top notch favorite for about 40 years since the happy mistake of not returning a "choice of the month" card to the record club. Happy, happy mistake!!!!

This lovely "speckled" one is a gift from a sweet lady who "adopted" me thirty years ago. She is gone now, and I think of my wonderful friend Mary every time I see this beautiful flower........I miss her....and not only for the dozens of holes she mended when I had six very active little boys to care for. I knew Mary loved me........

This too is one shared by a friend........this one a neighbor through the longer with us here, and now her daughter lives in her house......thankfully, she too, is a friend. I'm so thankful for the countless wonderful friends I've had throughout my life. And tonight I realized I was beginning a new friendship. As I weeded in the garden, the little three year old girl across the street called to me and tried to carry on a conversation. (My fifty-something ears don't hear so well at that distance.) And maybe I should have gone over to have a little chat with her. I'm sure there will be another opportunity, and maybe, just maybe, she will have fond memories of me as I do of my neighbors who have shared part of themselves with me.............


  1. We have some iris flowers too! We moved some stray ones from our garden area in the backyard to our flower beds in the front on Memorial Day! I'm excited for them to bloom, two of them have already. We think they may die this year from moving the bulbs, but hopefully they will come back strong next year! Very pretty.

  2. Nice photography, beautiful flowers. How do you keep the grass out of them? I have some yellow iris that I prize from Grandpa and Grandma Rex's yard. I have moved them and divided them several times. They are just starting to blossom.

  3. I AM still waiting for my lilacs to bloom:) Love your flowers!

  4. Our lilacs are all brown now.....I'm in mourning. However, other flowers coming on do make it a little more bearable.
