Friday, January 22, 2016


Alabama keeps surprising us. It's snowing!!!!! It started about 2:30 this afternoon--so tiny they couldn't really be called flakes, but you can see from the pictures that they did stick a little on the cars. The temperature has continued to slowly's only 30 now. We'll see what it's like in the morning.

Sooooooo...........when it started to snow we thought we might leave the office early, come home and have a nice relaxing time. Roger hoped we wouldn't have to go out to "rescue" some missionaries. I said we would just call a lock smith. guessed it............some Elders called to say they had locked their keys in the car. And they were too close to call a lock smith!!!! So we wore our causal clothes and drove to Bessemer. That's when I got the pictures of the snow........... I'm so thankful it wasn't sticking to the roads..........

1 comment:

  1. Snow in Alabama...amazing! Glad you were safe driving. I was a bit behind in reading your posts but I'm caught up now. I loved the pictures from your scenic route home. Also I was picturing in my mind you driving with a matress strapped on top your car until I read you had the van. That made more sense. Have a great week.
