Monday, September 14, 2015

"my room"

I had not thought I would have anything to share today.........but when we got to the office this morning, this is what we empty room.......... obstacle course in the outer office...........

........and a pretty full "President's office"...........good thing he rarely comes in..........and........thankfully someone cancelled office staff meeting this morning........ wasn't completely empty when we got there. A couple of the shelves were being stubborn. Roger got his tools out of the car and he and another Elder persuaded a small, but very persistent bolt to come out. The room is all ready for the carpet layers tomorrow. It will be so nice to not come out of there with sticky shoes........please don't ask me to explain. I have no idea what caused the stickiness. At first I thought it might be my cheap shoes. But when Sis. Newman also noticed her shoes getting sticky, I figured I wasn't completely nuts and my cheap shoes not so bad after all! Looks like my "quiet" week is going to be busy after all!

I was certainly busy all day today: assigning referrals (I'm so glad they haven't got all the bugs worked out for sending them directly to the missionaries. I really love that task!!); entering mileage into the CARS program; filing mileage logs; going through old car files to determine which ones can be thrown away (sold at least two years ago); trying to get some buildings scheduled (not very successful at that!) was a kind of "nose to the grindstone" kind of day........just getting through some things that needed to be done, though not very glamorous. ...........and I'm just now thinking that emptying the room might have been the easy part of that job!!

Yesterday, late afternoon, Roger and I went to Tuscaloosa (we didn't realize that's really where we were going until we were well on our way)......oh well........then back to Alabaster and then home.......near Alabaster this is what we saw...........forgive the blurry trees, please. I had only my iPod. No. I don't hang out the window with my iPod. I'm afraid the wind would carry it away and that would make me very sad.............. It was lots prettier than the pictures show.........I wish I knew how to take sunset pictures..........anyone willing to teach me?

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