Monday, September 21, 2015

a week somewhere in the fourth month........but who's counting #1.........

Somehow, Lisa got this! One of those mysteries of the cosmos! I just want to keep it...........

HHHmmmmmm.............sorry it's been so long......... I thought about you all during the week, but..........well, maybe you will understand better when you get to the end of this...........

I showed you pictures of my empty room..........that was Monday. Tuesday morning, first thing, the men came to lay the new carpet. Had it all done about noon and we needed to stay off of it for a couple of hours. Then it was time to come home. And I wasn't all that anxious to do the work to get it all back together........besides, I couldn't move the shelves.........

When I arrived Wednesday morning--and I was late because we were having district meeting and we were taking lunch for all the Elders--12 of them. I made chicken enchiladas. Soooo........when I got to the office, the shelves were all in and several of the boxes--lots of them, in fact--and some stacked in the middle of the floor. Sis. Newman said they got that far and then she didn't remember how things were and didn't want me to feel that my toes had been stepped on........ When I stood there, alone, and looked around, the panic began to rise. This is one of the hardest things for me to do! Find a "home" for everything!! And have it make sense! HELP!!!!!!!! I was trying to remember where shelves had been (how far apart, etc) and putting some of the pass-along cards away when Sis. Newman came back in and offered to help. Bless her!!! I would have been fighting with myself all day long otherwise. It was so good to have a cohort!!! The Assistants were on exchanges--when that happens and one of them is in the office, the Elder with him really doesn't have much to do. So we put him to work. And WORK he did!!!! He lifted all the heavy stuff--boxes of books, obviously, and pamphlets .......and got them all on shelves. Then I had him bring all the rest of the materials out of the other room (the President's office). He barely finished that when Elder Sariah came to get him for an appointment. I was so thankful to have all that done!! Sis. Newman stuck with me until nearly everything was "put back". There were 4-5 odds and ends boxes left in the President's office that I cleaned out and took care of. But with all the help I had no panic and the room is all put back together. RAH!!!!! And just in's just two weeks to MLC again. And next week we have transfers............this is going to be a "sadder" one for us, as we know more of the Elders going home this time--including one from Ensley.

Thursday and Friday were really quiet fact, I took a power nap (that doesn't sound as bad as just "nap") Thursday morning! I did a little filing for Roger after I placed my order for materials......mostly copies of the Book of Mormon--I think I ordered 800. That sounds like a lot, but that's only eight for each companionship. Roger and I took cars here or there for repairs etc.----well, only two; thankfully I had my embroidery and enjoyed working on that some. Pres. and Sis. Hanks came Friday for a little bit and I had a fun visit with her. She liked my embroidery and wanted to see the finished quilt, so we spent a bit of time looking online for it, but I had the wrong designer, so she didn't get to see it.

And we found out D is in the hospital. She was scheduled for baptism day after tomorrow, but that is now postponed. We went to visit her today. She tries to be so brave and upbeat all the time, but when I hugged her she started to cry and just kept hugging me and crying............ I am learning that there is more heartache and uncertainty in the world than I ever knew. And it happens to real people. Most of whom we would love if we knew them. And there's really no way to take away the heartache.........we can help them endure it and live with it and be happy despite it. But it is always there. I'm also learning that it is the common lot of man! We are all in this together.............. We expect D to be out of the hospital soon and then we can plan the baptism. That will be a happy day!

I'm going to make a separate post about yesterday.......I have a bunch of pictures and this is long already.

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