Tuesday, September 1, 2015

MLC - 3

Another MLC today............and wonderful training from Pres. Hanks. I really should take better notes. Any notes would be good. He told us yesterday that he needed us to be very brief in our presentations. I didn't say anything at all. I think Dad and Sis. Jones, the nurse, were the only two who did. Pres. Hanks is so fun to listen to!! And I can see that he is teaching not just for their missions, but for the rest of their lives. One thing that I really loved...........D&C 46:9-14. Through verse 13 He has listed many of the gifts of the Spirit. Then 14: "to others it is given to believe on their words, that they also might have eternal life if they continue faithful." He told us we have four missionaries who have been brave enough to tell him that they do not have testimonies. But here they are!!! "Bless their hearts"!! And he meant it! So he tells them to lean on him........to believe on his testimony because it is rock solid. It was such a great meeting. While I was in the kitchen he showed them the training video we saw last Saturday. I've looked on line for it........not an exhaustive search, but I would love to have you all see that training............I'll keep looking.

We had Hawaiian haystacks for lunch today. They turned our really good. I was very pleased. And the missionaries sang, "For she's a jolly good fellow" to ME!!!!!! I had a significant amount of help and I'm very thankful for it. The other senior missionaries in the office are a great "kitchen staff". This just keeps getting better and better.........the love grows........and the learning takes place (hopefully). I told Roger this morning I'm so grateful Pres. Hanks asked us all the read "Preach My Gospel" before the end of August. I probably never would have got clear through the whole thing, and some of the things I really needed to read were in the last 2-3 chapters. I'm so thankful to be here!

I was going to take a picture before they started dishing up..........but it all happened so suddenly I had to take it after most of them were through.

The one on the right is one of the assistants. One of the best!!! We love him!! He's from Honduras, Marilyn............in the city Taylor is in, but there are two missions in the city, so it's 50/50. He was really excited when I told him Taylor was there.

One of the more interesting "critters" here............I thought that pattern on the wings was really pretty. And I seems it's in Utah as well.........it was on the door going into the office building.

Not much.........but that's the day.........and we are tired. Roger put in five Tiwis this afternoon...........I still haven't told you about them, have I? I'll work on that.............. It's cooling off some. It hasn't been nearly as warm this week and that's nice. But we are heading into "tornado season", and I'm not too thrilled about that!


  1. You provide an indispensable ingredient: a mother who loves and feeds them! they wouldn't be much good to President Hanks without it. Love you so much and am so grateful for your posts!!

  2. Yes, I'm still waiting to learn about Tiwis.....How awesome that you get to see these boys turn into young men....the rest of us just get to see the beginning and the end....I had a mother tell me once she would really like to see how that happens:)

  3. I am so happy my life has calmed down a bit so I can catch up on your posts! They are wonderful to read! I can feel your enthusiasm, your love, and your spirit. Don't stop and don't change, except grow as you wish.
    Our wedding was beautiful, sacred, and full of love! We missed you! But John, bless him, did a great job!
    Love, love you! Am anxious for your next post.
    PS Taylor will be released Oct. 15. Bittersweet.....
