Friday, June 26, 2015

I think it's a TGIF day..........

A good day.......but kind of long. Roger wanted to get to the office early because there was a training for vehicle coordinators originating in Salt Lake, and he got the time difference, yeah, we were there before 8:30. And when the training didn't start and he was frustrated, Sis. Newman straightened both of us out!! I didn't catch it either! I got the referrals assigned and made sure I have all the materials ready to take to MLC next Tuesday. I wanted to have that all ready today because on Monday I'm going to concentrate on the food. I had a moment of "overwhelmed" combined with a little panic.......but I worked through that. When I stand in that room/closet and look at all the books and pamphlets--all the teaching materials--that are going out I marvel again. We really are flooding the earth with the Book of Mormon!! And nearly all of them go out in the hands of 18-20 year-old "kids". Pres. Hanks says Salt Lake doesn't like us to call them that, but that's what they are! And he's right!!!! They are "kids"!! But they are doing amazing things and fulfilling the trust the Lord has in them. It is a marvelous thing to see first hand. So anyway............I made a couple of phone calls to make sure I had everyone on the same page for the food for Tuesday. That's set to go as well. AGH!!!! Writing about it is stressing me out again.............

I went with Roger to the DMV again..........and the line moved lots faster than we anticipated. But it was still pretty fruitless, though now we know that as well. And it was good for me to get out of the office because I had pretty much run out of things to do. I did some filing for Roger as he was on the phone quite a bit today.

I made another order for some things I forgot yesterday......and added four DVD players because I thought I gave out the last one earlier this week. Well.......we still have some, and now I've spent $200 I didn't need to, and I'm having a hard time with that. I was hoping I could go in and revise my order, because when I ordered this morning, it was a "revision"............I hope everyone will be patient.

I forgot to mention the other day that Roger made bread in the bread machine!! It's pretty good too!! Surely did smell good while it was baking. And we have gone twice now--two days in a row--to the exercise room here at the apartment complex. I walked a mile tonight. I really hope we can keep it up.

You know........I'm a little nervous about continuing my writing here........when things become routine around here, what's going to happen? Hmmmmmmm............... our mission president is Richard D. Hanks, son of Elder Marion D. Hanks and he told us right up front that he learned his leadership skills from his father...........a great recommendation!!!!

1 comment:

  1. This is becoming my favorite part of the day :) Tom had a problem with the time difference when we were leaving NY too:) Your meal is going to be fabulous!
