Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Well............who says worrying doesn't work? We worried and everything went really well. We had a wonderful missionary leadership council today............we are so blessed! And the food was great!!! We ordered hamburgers and hot dogs.......they came grilled and in chafing dishes..........and.......drum roll, please...........they received rave reviews from the missionaries. We--the other sister missionary in the office and I--worried about amounts, but we had only six hamburgers and one hot dog left over. The office Elders were more than happy to take them home. I'm afraid I have forgotten how much teenage boys can eat............. it was delightful!!!!!

Can I just say again how wonderful this experience is?!! How much we love it!! WOW!!!! And how much we love these missionaries...............and Pres. and Sis. Hanks. It is such a blessing to be here to learn from them...............we are tired..............Roger is taking a nap, but he's entitled to.........he was awake at 2:00 a.m. worrying about our additional "children".

And I'm going to stop..............I'm just kind of rambling here...........but I wanted you to know we had a great day and feel very blessed...........................

But I just remembered, I was going to tell you about the rain storm we had this morning. That was another WOW!!! Lightening clouds to ground and one so close it scared me...literally..........rain in sheets. It was like a really bad blizzard only rain........ and then it was over.......... it's gorgeous tonight.


  1. I knew it would go perfectly:) Crazy rain......

  2. I knew it would be splendid! You have always underestimated your abilities! Love you!

  3. Glad everything went well. We had a little lightning here last night too, but nothing like you got. I love reading about your mission.
