Tuesday, July 7, 2015

A great day!!

Thank you, so many of you, for your kind wishes for my birthday. I have truly had a great day! Looking back, I can't tell you what, specifically, has made it great..........it's just so good to be here! And as of today, we have fifteen new missionaries! We got to meet all of them and Roger did some training with them...........they start them right out on the cars training. And we got to eat supper with them at the mission home. Other than that, it's been a pretty normal day "at the office". Missionaries to call--for Roger........and thankfully, he can get me started on some of the clerical work that I can do while he is taking the phone calls. The first of the week at the first of the month is pretty brutal. And then to have transfers at the same time! It's like getting thrown in at the deep end all over again when you have just barely learned how to dog paddle!! He gets the Tiwi reports from Salt Lake every Monday. So there are phone calls that need to be made to the missionaries to "coach" them on their driving. The first of every month they send in their "car inspections" and gasoline/mileage reports. So there is a lot of information to be entered into the computer and then the papers filed. I've been doing much of the computer entry and filing this time. He has also been trying to get some cars ready to sell. When a car reaches 45,000-50,000 miles or 42 months "old" they need to be sold...........so Roger has also become a used car salesman!! He never dreamed that would be part of his job description!! But all of that takes so much of his time........he tends to get a little frustrated and stressed as he feels like he is drowning in the paper work. I'm helping where I can..........

The media orders I made have been arriving. It's gratifying to see the shelves restocked. I was nervous there for a while and I felt badly when a missionary would call me with a request for something that we had run out of........... We have 30 boxes coming tomorrow with 40 copies of the Book of Mormon in each box. And some of them will go out tomorrow..........I didn't have as many as the zone leaders asked for last week. I'm learning.......... I hope........... My favorite thing is to assign the referrals. We had six today. Twenty yesterday. All six today had requested a copy of the Book of Mormon. How exciting is that!?!!

I need to get to bed. We have a big day tomorrow. We both have training in the morning. Then when the delivery man calls, I'm going to have to go back to the office to receive the shipment........ We'll be pretty much done by then anyway. I made some peanut butter squares tonight so those missionaries who come into the office tomorrow on their way back to their areas can have a treat. I hope it works out okay. I wish I were better at making conversation than I am..........

I am grateful for discovering this wonderful way to celebrate my birthday!


  1. Dearest Sister Stephenson! So grateful you had a memorable birthday! Was thinking abut you all day! Well, you and our Dan. Sounds as though you are thriving as we knew you would. You haven't said much about the climate: heat and humidity. How are you holding up? Much love! Give HUGS to your companion please....we KNOW how much he loves them! And keep posting!
    Love, Marilyn

    1. well glad I finally know who blackcrownana is...what is up with that :)

    2. Our Mother taught us that "each mama crow thinks her little crows are the blackest".......... therefore ........... now you know........

    3. Never heard that one before...but so true!!!!
