Friday, July 17, 2015

make way for..........goslings???

Yep!!! We had our very own make way for.............. today. I even ran back to get a picture but was too late! Drat!!!! As we were pulling into the parking lot at the office today there were six Canada geese making their way across the driveway. We had to wait for them. By the time we got parked and were getting out of the car, we could hear cars braking and horns honking.......sure enough, they waddled across Lorna Road (which is a very busy street) and were on the other side before I could get anything ready to take a picture with. :-( But such a fun way to start the day!

We had only one referral this morning--there were more later in the day, thank goodness. I was quite disappointed. I whizzed right through "my" work and kind of puttered around .......... well, I went with Roger to take some cars to be detailed, and we had to get the Jetta from the I wasn't really "puttering". It just felt kind of like that because I didn't have any significant block of time spent on any one thing. Elder Jones cleaned out an apartment yesterday and brought me two boxes of "stuff". It is amazing what missionaries will accumulate in their apartment!!!!!! We had about twenty assorted pens, ten markers/dry erase markers, 6-7 highlighters. Several copies of each pamphlet we have (that is understandable) and a very large stack of very old Ensign magazines. And other assorted cards and mementoes.........I'm shocked at how heartless I can be when it's someone else's stuff!!!!! I set the garbage can out so the custodians will be able to dump it. (For some mysterious reason, the "media" room is supposed to be locked during the night............when you figure it out, please let me know). I would really like to leave it open over the weekend and let it air out some still smells pretty fact, the "cure" is TONS worse than the " ailment"!!!

Roger and I are going to have a marathon day tomorrow...........I'll tell you about it later.............and.........I'll take some pictures............

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to hear about the marathon..... :)
    Thanks for sharing Pres. Hanks letter. I have printed it so I can go through it! Love geese!
