Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Today was our first "transfer day"........and WOW!!!!! what a day!!!! We had to stop by the office to pick something up and there were a couple of sister missionaries there........they wanted a couple of Book of Mormon scripture readers for some children of a family they are teaching. We didn't daudle, but when we got to the stake center and to the Relief Society room they had already started the meeting!!!!!! This is conducted by the office staff for the new missionaries! We were a little kerflummoxed but no one seemed to expect an apology and we didn't offer one.........

Those poor missionaries...........they still looked rather exhausted...........and here we are, throwing all this information at them. I've decided from here on out, I'm just going to be a cheerleader up there. I really don't have anything they have to know today. I can just tell them how we love them, how the Lord loves them, and that they have the most needed message in the world. Be happy. And let the world know you are happy. Even when you are not. Let the light shine............ Doesn't that sound okay? I wish I could remember exactly what our seminary teacher Bro. Anderson used to say........ something like, "Keep Fired Up!" ..........alluding to the fire of testimony. I'll have to think on that. But then I get up there and just talk..........I hope I say what the Lord would have me say.

It was SO COOL to go into the chapel and stand to sing, "Called to Serve" with all those missionaries!!!! Pres. Hanks was giving wonderful counsel...........what a blessing to be able to learn from him and Sis. Hanks! Yeah...........I suppose I'm a typical missionary who thinks her mission president is the best!! But isn't that the way it should be? I would hope that every missionary in the world believes his/her president to be the very best. But sometimes I think we have the added blessing that he was taught by Elder Hanks!!

Roger and I had to leave because a bike was being delivered and we needed to go "receive" it. When we got back the meeting was almost over...........but then we got to sing "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty"........hymn #72. I think that comes as close to shouting hosanna as we really can possibly get! I love that hymn!!!! I have the words in another post........(I was going to put in a link, but I don't know how, so you will have to skip them if you don't want to read them..........sorry)

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!
O my soul, praise him, for he is thy health and salvation!
Join the great throng,
Psaltery, organ, and song, Sounding in glad adoration!

Praise to the Lord! Over all things he gloriously reigneth.
Borne as on eagle wings, safely his Saints he sustaineth.
Hast thou not seen how all thou needest hath been granted in what he ordaineth?

Praise to the Lord, who doth prosper thy way and defend thee.
Surely his goodness and mercy shall ever attend thee.
Ponder anew what the Almighty can do,
Who with his love doth befriend thee.

Praise to the Lord! Oh, let all that is in me adore him!
All that hath breath, join with Abraham's seed to adore him!
Let the "amen" sum all our praises again,
Now as we worship before him.

 After meeting, of course, everyone is milling around in the parking lot, luggage here and there and back and forth and missionaries flitting from one beloved companion to another, greeting all and laughing and crying with those who are going home. It was utterly and totally joyful!!! I can totally imagine resurrection morning being very much like that!! OH!!!!! What joy!!!! I went back to the office because the cases of the Book of Mormon were going to be delivered and I had treats I wanted the missionaries to have (the ones that came to the office). Roger came and was putting together the bike we had gone to "receive". Pres. Nolan came with a couple of missionaries and they were helping him. Then the UPS man came and they went to help bring in the books. I'm sure the UPS man was as thankful as I was they were there. Other missionaries came to get their bikes. Our sweet sister from Uganda was delighted with hers............and now we are wondering if she even knows how to ride a bike!?!?!?! Yikes!!! Then Roger went with some Elders--a new one from Hawaii--to buy a bike. He was gone for a couple of lunch........working in the heat.........he called to see if I wanted to go with them to buy him a lock and then we would go find something to eat. I did. And after stopping at the office to collect our things, we came home and he is sacked out on the couch. He is so tired. He has worked so hard today. And he made the effort to talk with the Elders he has had to talk to about their driving. It is so fun to watch him interact with the missionaries!!!! And to see his own learning and growth. Such a great blessing to be here!!!! We. are. tired. little. missionaries. But I had to share with you this joyful day! The Lord's plan is perfect!!!!! I will forever remember my sweet sister from Uganda, who came to the United States to serve Him, didn't even know what she was eating while at the MTC. And then shows up here with a smile on her face, ready to ride a bike and go to work. What faith!!! And she is my sister!! I have millions all over the world! What a blessing to know that!

Okay........I'll stop............


  1. What a fun day! Cheerleader is good! I was thinking I would be running around trying to mother them all so they wouldn't be So awesome to be surrounded by so many wonderful youth!!!!

  2. Oh, thank you, thank you for sharing your joy, your work, Roger's work! and the words to that wonderful hymn. It was better for me to read the words and sing it in my head. When I play it I have to really concentrate on the notes--it's not the easiest. Thanks again and all my love!!
