Monday, July 13, 2015

Where is Victor? and other such vagaries.........

I think it's time for another post..........and this is what I've worried about......things becoming "common" here and so there is "nothing" to tell you. I'll see what I can do......... a kind of funny thing happened yesterday..........I have been asked to help with the music in the branch--playing the organ every other month (started this month) and helping with Primary music--again trading every other month playing the piano and leading/teaching. We have three little girls in Primary and they are certainly quiet singers! I'm a little curious to see how the Primary program is going to turn out. Now, for the funny thing that happened...........We went early so I could practice a little and set stops. Check. Prelude went well--I even did okay with the pedals. The opening song is announced and I wait for Victor to stand up--to lead. No Victor. I wait a little bit. No one stands up. I think, well, maybe we are going to sing without a leader today, that should be interesting. So I start the introduction. Suddenly, the first counselor in the branch presidency realized that Victor was not there, so he jumped up and did are pretty good job leading the singing! After the opening prayer, Sis. Randall, the music director assigned to the branch came up to lead the other hymns. We were going along nicely during the sacrament song when suddenly!!!! The lights above the stops change and the tone of the organ changes with them!!!!!! What do I do?!?!?!?!??? What can I do????? Talk about heart stopping!!!!!!! I tried to pretend nothing happened and finished the hymn.........well, I think I added one more stop to give it a little more bass..........but oh my!!!! I think I must have hit one of the pre-set stops just above the "Great" keyboard. Sis. Randall said she didn't even notice! No one else said anything. I'm going to have to really watch that in the future........they are so easy to hit, and apparently, you don't have to "hit" them very hard! I went to play for Primary, and we ended up having more adults in Primary than children! Sis. Randall had an adult niece with her, the stake Primary president came for a visit, and then the Primary councilor came and left........she might have gone home to bed as she had worked at the hospital all night.

We had about 18 referrals today........three days worth........... I got a really cool text from a pair of Elders--one was Elder Morley from Price........this was Saturday about 3:30 p.m........."Hey Sister Stephenson! We just taught a lesson to someone who we contacted from a media referral! They are solid! Thanks for all that you do." I thought that was so kind of them to include me in the joy!! I texted back, of course. And I think I've told you how Pres. Hanks continually teaches gratitude.......... and today he clarified that the Elders are to always, always, always stand when anyone approaches them. I think he and Daddy would get along pretty least on that score--and the high esteem for his Father.

Roger has had an exhausting day. Poor man. I don't  know what I can do more to help him. There are just so many loose ends he feels a need to tie up (or down) and yet the every day obstacle course has to be run.........hopefully without any trips or near-falls.........I'm surprised at all that is included in his job description. I think it could keep two of us going non-stop, but I can only help to a point. Maybe I need to bring the "bicycle book" home and study it, then I can put the bikes together. That would be something!!!!

I better get to bed. I have learned an amazing thing!!!!! Something I have been hesitant to confess........... If I go to bed at a decent hour, it's lots easier to get up in the morning! You'd think that would be a no-brainer...........and I know all about D&C 88:124. In fact, I've had it marked in my scriptures for many years......I have several thoughts on that, but I'll save them for another post........


  1. Love your posts!! Love you!! It's wonderful that most people can't tell the difference of what is done at the organ--comforting!! I will pray for Roger and I await your comments on D&C 88:124 with excited anticipation! More love....

  2. I could tell you weren't under the same bedtime rules as the Elders :) I wish I was one of those people that just pop out of bed at the same time every morning!!! I will wait with Irene for further light and knowledge about D&C 88: 124.
    I have hit one of the preset buttons while playing...not got really louder...Glad some one was on the ball enough to jump up and pretend to lead...that's impressive!

  3. O, and I'm confident you could learn to put bikes together!!!!

  4. Oh, how I love your posts! Keep writing....and I for one can wait a long time to hear the discussion of D&C 88:124. Not quite sure I want to give up my late nights yet, should that be the concluding thought from any discussion.....;)

  5. That first comment was a test run.
    I have no doubt that you can put bikes together. I got a good chuckle out of your music experiences on Sunday.
