Sunday, July 26, 2015

.......a new heart?

We were blessed yesterday to participate in a baptism in our Branch. I absolutely love the simple, direct words of the baptismal ordinance. It reminds me of the feelings I had the last time I did baptisms for the dead........... Today after her confirmation she had a few tears. What a sweet, tender time. Makes me so thankful for all the blessings I have received every day my whole life through. I also know there have been many times when I have taken it all for granted........probably years' worth of time. Sometimes, when I stop and think about it, I really cannot comprehend how much our Father loves overwhelms me, and I stand in awe. How can I possibly serve long and well enough??? or be perfectly obedient? Now, that's another overwhelming thought!!! I think I better leave it at that!

I am so grateful to be here. So thankful I can have this time to serve more fully. I wish I had a more willing heart........there are times when I just don't want to do something. There are times when I think maybe we should receive more blessings for doing something we don't want to do than something we are excited to do......... I think I better pray more fervently for that "new heart".


  1. You make me smile! And along those same lines how do you get to the point of "no more disposition to do evil" Hope I have the millennium to work some of this out!!! Have a great week!!!

  2. Thank you for sharing these thoughts. Yes, sometimes it is ALL overwhelming. We are so blessed and we just need to keep moving in the right direction.
