Tuesday, July 21, 2015

...."early, when it was yet dark"............

Well............I've put it off too long............ For some reason, the Ensign was lying here on the table, open to the article "Filled With Life and Energy". I have made it easy for you to find it.....it's right here. And Marilyn.........there really isn't much to say in our defense. Sorry. I've know this for years. And during that time I have said "if I could change just one thing in my life and as a mom, it would be the going to bed and getting up thing." I want to share just one, little part of this article with you. The one that touched me the most.........he gives scriptural examples of getting up early--Abraham, Moses, Joshua, and the Savior. Then this..... "Mary, a devoted disciple, followed His example and in doing so taught us a powerful lesson: "'The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre'. In the early morning she became the first mortal to see the resurrected Lord." Part of learning things--and sometimes learning the obedience--at this time of life, is the remorse I feel for not putting forth the energy and/or discipline to have learned and/or implemented them into my life years ago. And even now I think, "well, I've blown it in teaching our children...........now it's just me and Roger, it's not all that important now." I know that's not "right". It may not even be true. But I will need encouragement by the bucket loads to get me to bed "on time". I stay up late to do the things I want to do because the duty things are always, always present. Somehow, late at night, it's easier to turn down their volume and enjoy doing something I want to do. Does that make sense? Anyway........it's still true.......if I could change one thing in my life and as a mom, it would be the going to bed and getting up thing.................

Today Roger and I drove out to Oneonta to take a car to some Elders who had to leave their car in the shop--it will be there a week or more. They live in Locust Fork, the car repair place is in Oneonta. They had tried to find some members who could take them back, then at least they would have their bikes, but they couldn't find any. So we drove our car and a mission car out. I didn't want to drive, and it turns out we had to go right through downtown Birmingham--on the freeway. It would be like coming west to east on I-80 then onto I-15 northbound.......and unfamiliar. But I had the GPS on and also Divine help........I know that. At one point I was concerned about which lane I should be in, was it going to end......well.........it turned out to be just the right lane because I had to stay to the right after the exit--which was not really an exit............a spaghetti bowl............

The more I see of Alabama the more beautiful I realize it is. That north-east part of Birmingham is the industrial part (the old SLOSS furnaces are there) but it wasn't long before we were in a rural area. Come to think of it, there really wasn't an area of suburban........just industrial and then rural. The farther out, the prettier it was. I love the hills, then there is a little rise and it opens up into another little valley headed another direction. And I found another house!!!!! I like this one better because it's in the "country" and has lots more space!!!! If we end up going out to get the car, I'll take my camera and get a picture for you......... It's fun to "see" the mission and meet the missionaries in their areas. To have images in my head of beautiful places to go with the names of both places and people!

I hope you have had a good day. Mine has been mostly good. I need to make some changes in my life. And that's okay...........

1 comment:

  1. Glad you bit the bullet with the Ensign article...now Marilyn can blame you for any guilt she might have...LOL I read it a few days back and was waiting for a spare minute to email you all and share the link to it. I like to stay up late for the same reason as you and also to just read. What is about reading late at night that is so great??? I can get up at anytime in the morning to get a kid off to somewhere but have always worried what I would do when we became empty nesters. I haven't done to bad.....kinda... I too loved the example of Mary going early to the tomb...makes ya stop and think!
